What are the similarities between Black Stache and Slank?
the similarities between black starch and slank are ..... they are both villians+ they're both mean.Another similaritie is that they both hate peter and the other boys on the ship.
The similarities between them is that they both are bad and they are both captains. Slank is'nt really a captain but he is a second captain. Black stache is really mean and so is Slank
The different things between Black Stache and Slank are that they are at a different ship and know different people but they are both villians and do bad things.
black stache and slank are both villians but they run on diffrent ships thats all they both hate peter slank isnt really captian hes sorter like a second captian but it still counts as captian `peter is real sneaky and he likes molly i think that they will go out but thats in a sensable way thats what i think
The simularities between black stache and slank are...that they both hate peter and that they are both villians and that they are both captains and that they are both mean.They both have a ship as well.
the similarities between black starch and slank are ..... they are both villians+ they're both mean.Another similaritie is that they both hate peter and the other boys on the ship.
The similarities between them is that they both are bad and they are both captains. Slank is'nt really a captain but he is a second captain. Black stache is really mean and so is Slank
The similarities between black
starch and slank are ... they are
both mean to peter.
The different things between Black Stache and Slank are that they are at a different ship and know different people but they are both villians and do bad things.
The similarities between slank and black starch is that their villians.Their always nasty to peter,the boys and the crew.
Thay both hate each other but almost the same person!!
black stache and slank are both villians but they run on diffrent ships thats all they both hate peter slank isnt really captian hes sorter like a second captian but it still counts as captian `peter is real sneaky and he likes molly i think that they will go out but thats in a sensable way thats what i think
THe similarities between Black Stache and Slank are that they both want the same trunk.
They are both heading towards the Wasp for the treasure.
The similarities between Black Stache and Slank are that they are both captains of ships and want the same trunk.
The similarities between Captian Stache and Slank are that they are both nasty and want the same thing -- the trunk.
simerla betwen black stash and slank were thay wonted to both wonted to see wonted to see wote as in the trunck.
the similarities between black stache and slank are.... their both mean and horried.
The similarities between Captain Stache and Slank are that they are ignorant, mean, bossy and horrid.
The similarities between Slank and Black Stache are that they mean and bossy.
they both have a boat.They badeys.
Hi I wood like to tall you about black stache and slank is they bothe are mean and have a ship.
The similarites Between Black starchand slank are both villins both eviland mean.
The similarities between Black Stache and Slank are that they both wear black boots and they are heading towards the Wasp.
The similarities between Slank and Black Stache are that they hate the boys and Peter. They both have ships and they are bad.
They both have a ship. They hate each other. They have big crews.
They both have a ship. They are both mean to Peter and have big crews.
They have bad people in the crew and Peter has a big crew.
the similarites between black starch and slank thay are both bad
The simularities between black stache and slank are...that they both hate peter and that they are both villians and that they are both captains and that they are both mean.They both have a ship as well.
Icant wait to find out more its really awsome and i now whats in the trunk and its going to be awsome i am enjoying it g00d choiche
They both want to kill Molly and Peter. >:-(
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